Welcome! I am so happy you are here. You have come here to achieve wellness, and that is exactly what we are going to do together. Many of my patients find me because conventional or "Western" medicine hasn't worked for them, and that's okay... because you have options. With me, you will be able to live the healthy life that you deserve.

Hearing your story is crucial to your healing process. That is why I am a very good listener! Your story allows me to pinpoint the root cause of your health concerns, and healing begins when we address it!

Depending on your health history, constitution, and vitality, I use a combination of therapies below to ignite your healing process. I create highly individualized treatment protocols incorporating whichever modalities your body is needing at the time. These tools use the healing power of nature to repair, invigorate, rejuvenate, and detox the body in order for you to live your happiest and healthiest life. 

I highly recommend that you read each description below to become more knowledgeable about my medical philosophy. This may answer questions you have about my work and how I help generate the healing process. 


Homeopathy + UNDA Numbers (biotherapeutic drainage) + Flower essences

This category of medicine has worked miracles for many of my patients. Created by Samuel Hahneman in 1796, Homeopathy is an alternative medicine used around the world, particularly in India and Europe. Homeopathy is based on the law of similars, which means what a substance can cause, it can cure. Homeopathic remedies are substances that have been diluted down many times. All that is left is the energy from the substance, and this energy is the catalyst for deep healing and change within the body when taken. This medicine addresses the vital force of the patient, root cause of illness, and symptoms of the patient's presentation. Homeopathy is curative often when no other treatments are, and that is why it plays such an integral role in my practice.

Biotherapeutic drainage is a system of homeopathic combination remedies that open up the body's "emunctories." Emunctories are our outlets of elimination i.e. our breath, sweat, urination, defecation, and for women, menstruation. Drainage encourages the body and helps it remember what it is supposed to do. The body is supposed to eliminate, and if it is not eliminating, that is when disease can occur. I use these remedies to open up the emunctories, correct physiology, decrease cellular toxicity, and restore homeostasis. 


holistic nutrition & lifestyle

Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food. The food we eat and the lifestyles we live are the most impactful things on our health. Every person has different nutrient needs and requirements, and knowing those needs is imperative. The way we eat and digest our food is analagous to the way we digest the outside world. One can have the most "perfect" diet, but if they are stressed in their life then they will not be in optimal health. Because diet and lifestyle are so tied together, we must address them both. 

Docere is the latin word for "doctor as teacher." I love this part of my role as a physician. I formulate the healthiest and most individualized diet for each patient, and I teach each of them how to make this diet become an attainable reality. I give all of my patients recipes, shopping lists, and ideas on how to have a nutrient dense diet that will help them obtain the results they desire. There is no one size fits all attitude with diet. That is why I have a whole body approach to diet, nutrition, and lifestyle. Sleep hygiene, movement and exercise, as well as stress relief are all important factors in achieving optimal health. Under my guidance, I help each patient achieve balance in each of these areas with ease. 


Trauma healing + emotional PROCESSING + belief system WORK

To heal we must address the root cause of what causes us suffering. I have studied, researched, and figured out what TRULY heals us and causes massive change within our bodies and beings. No matter how many supplements we take or pieces of broccoli we eat, we can’t fully heal until we address our past trauma, acknowledge feelings and emotions that need to be felt, and create healthy belief systems within our minds.

I have found that these tools are some of the most impactful, life changing, and transformative healing tools we have, as we can all do it ourselves within an instant. I guide my clients and give them the tools they need to process what is holding them back, so they can move forward in their lives with vitality, empowerment, peace and freedom. I help them truly thrive.


herbal medicine 

Herbal medicine, also known as botanical medicine, is the use of plant material from the Earth, to heal disease, decrease inflammation, and address imbalance within the body. Plants contain phytochemicals that have specific therapeutic action on our health when used internally or applied topically. Just like the fruits and vegetables we eat, herbs and plants target specific organ systems and functions within the body. These gifts from the Earth are powerhouses of energy, nutrition, and medicine that have been used to heal our species for centuries.

In addition to Western herbs, I use Chinese herbs to aid in the healing process and restoration of the body's terrain. Along with herbs, I use different nutritional supplementation to balance and nourish the body. If the body is lacking in a vitamin, mineral, cofactor, or nutrient, I will use these products to correct the deficiency or physiology.