
*please see more glowing reviews and results via my google page

Dr. Renee has completely changed my life! Her knowledge and treatments surpass any other doctor I have seen or medicine I have tried.
— MP
From the moment I met Dr. Renee, I felt a deep sense of safety and calm. I went to see her for thyroid issues, but I can’t believe how many other things she’s helped me with. She believes in treating patients as a whole. What this meant for me was that we started at birth and worked through every significant memory, every important relationship, and every stage until present day. Knowing my entire story has helped Dr. Renee treat me entirely, not just as a single diagnosis. Through this work Dr. Renee has helped me become a more calm and self assured version of myself. I can honestly say that meeting Dr. Renee has been life changing, and I am living a happier and more vibrant life because of the work we’ve done together.
— HJ
Dr. Renee cared for me at a very difficult time in my life. I had become impatient, frustrated, and disheartened with where my body was before I began working with her. When I felt like giving up, Dr. Renee provided me with the emotional support that strengthened my will to trust in the healing process. She listened to my concerns with warmth and openness and maintained an ongoing dialogue with me, so that I never felt alone in my struggles. In short, Dr. Renee exceeded my expectations of a physician. Her patience and non-judgmental acceptance, coupled with her strong clinical knowledge, provided the foundation of my healing.
— PM
My experience working with Dr. Renee has been extraordinary. Over the past two years we have tackled diverse issues such as anxiety, menopausal symptoms, food issues, weight loss and malaise. Her recommended treatments and guidance have positively impacted my issues as they arise. Dr. Renee has a deep knowledge base in homeopathy, botanical medicine, Chinese Medicine, as well as acupuncture and with her compassionate care and good humor, she will treat your mind, body, and spirit. Dr. Renee is truly a gifted practitioner and I highly recommend her to anyone looking for balance and good health!
— JL